Monday, October 3, 2011

Danny and Archie


Wednesday was Confucius' birthday which means it was also Teacher's Day. One of my students wrote me a card. It was very sweet. Wednesday morning, Ryan, Brian and I went to the Shimen Reservoir for a hike. It was kind of overcast but at least it wasn't so hot. The only downside was that the view wasn't as great as it could have been. We hiked to the top of a ridge and then up a tower. From there, you could see for miles and miles if it is clear. But it over looks the whole reservoir and the surrounding cities. It was really pretty!

Wednesday night, a group of us went to Vigorous for dinner. We planned on not being there very long because we had an early morning on Thursday. But that didn't go as planned. The brother's owner, Danny, came over and started talking to us. After him came the head chef, Archie. They kept buying us beer and food all night. The food was delicious. Needless to say, we had to walk home even though we scooted over there. But we made good friends with Danny and Archie! They are really nice!

Thursday I got a new class. It is kindy. I am the first foregin teacher they have seen or had as a teacher. The kids are ADORABLE. They are 5-7. The class is so fun. I was really nervous at first because of their age. But it was so fun and cute. We basically just run around and play games. They were laughing the whole time!

Friday we had two workshops. Ugh. They are long. Friday night, I have my class with Fiona. She is great. The class is so cute and fun, as well. We played a game with animal noises. Haha. I am really lucky to have her as a co-teacher!

Saturday was Amber's birthday! The day of teaching was alright but we went to Chief's for her birthday. It was a lot of fun! The band was there, as always! And we did a lot of dancing and singing. We went to Vigorous before and Danny came with us to chiefs too! It was pretty funny!

Sunday, we played frisbee, as usual. But it has been raining here since Friday night. Apparently there is a typhoon enveloping the whole island but it doesn't really seem like it. It is mostly rainy, not much wind.

Tonight is the bowling league. We went bowling last night and I got a 126 - not too shabby. Matt bowled a 181. Holy hannah!

Matt, Rooney, and I are also getting an apartment. We went to sign the lease a couple times and we're not really sure what happened but we couldn't sign. So today we just got the paperwork for it. Hopefully we will be moving in by Wednesday! The apartment is awesome - huge, brand new, furnished. I'll take pictures and write more when we are there!!


1 comment:

  1. I love the very first picture... great touch the purple flowers! You'll have to give us a video tour of your place. will you get contact info about the place to stay that is near you. I want to book a few nights asap. I could'nt find it on line. I might be spelling it wrong.
    Keep those posts coming... love 'em and love you more!!!
