Friday, October 21, 2011

"Very Perfect"

So my Saturdays are officially full! And by full I mean 7.5 hours of teaching. Ugh, but in a good way. If I'm working already, I may as well be working all day! But I picked up two one-on-ones. It is just me and one other student - basically private tutoring. On Saturday I only had one but tomorrow I have both. One student is in my Saturday night class so that is nice. No awkward first session because I already know him. The other girl is young, elementary school and apparently really shy. I'll let you know how it goes!

On Sunday we played frisbee and my team won. Wooop! Haha. It was fun. I was going to meet Matt and Rooney in Taipei after but I was having too much fun, so I stayed. And for dinner on Sunday, Carson and Dustin had a bunch of us over for dinner. They made tacos! Oh man, so stinking good! I am definitely missing Mexican food just as much as I thought I would!

My classes are just getting more and more enjoyable. I really am loving this job. It is such a fun and rewarding job. The kids are getting more comfortable and so we are having so much fun in class! Next week we start the Halloween celebrations. I can't wait! I am definitely taking my camera to all my classes and snapping some shots. They are going to be adorable!

I also just got another regular class. I am up to 27 hours. I know that doesn't sound like that many but it is a lot for here. Usually people have about 20 hours. It is a really good thing because that means that I am doing my job well. They keep giving me classes because the co-teachers want to teach with me. So that is a good thing! But that means I'm pretty busy! On Saturday and Monday I have 7 hours. It's crazy!

Today in my class, Tiger was writing in his book, like he was supposed to and his desk collapsed. It was HILARIOUS. He sits in the back with one other girl so no one else noticed. I almost collapsed to the floor in a fit of hysterics. Then Tiger pretended to fall over and over again. Then he sat on the floor while one of the 'office' people got a new desk. I was dying laughing.

Today, we went Halloween costume shopping (me, Rooney and Amy). I already have my costume but I went with them. We ran into Josh P there also. It was pretty funny. Everyone's costumes are hilarious. Rooney is an angry bird with a fake butt. Josh is a huge bird and he was 'bawkawwing' the whole time. Amy is a 'ship wench' but I told her to spin it as the Dread Pirate Queen. Haha. Then we were telling pirate jokes at school later! And the store owner kept saying "very perfect" to every costume. Haha.

And on our way back in the taxi, we made a rap song with hao (good), dui (yes), and xiexie (thank you). It was hilarious. We got a pretty good laugh out of it and then all of a sudden our driver joined in. I thought Amy was going to die from laughter. It was one of the funnier things I have been a part of. So good!

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