Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Moon Festival Part II

Sunday, a really big group of us went to the park to play frisbee. I think it was the biggest group yet. We played for a good while - always lots of fun. When our frisbee playing was done, Alex, Carly and I went over to some kids playing with a soccer ball and asked if we could play. We ended up just passing the ball around but the kids were adorable. There is not nearly enough soccer played in this country.

After frisbee in the park we all went home but then regrouped in a different park (the one right next to the dorm) and had our own BBQ. Matt, Amy and Josh S bought two grills and everyone bought lots of food to grill. It was a lot of fun! We were just grilling food and hanging out. Carson also brought Catchphrase so we played that for a long time too!

The food was delicious again. There were lots of sausages, beans, steaks, chunks of beef, pork and shrimp. And Josh made some salsa - so good! I also learned how to say delicious in Chinese: haochi (sounds like how-chu).

So, first of all let me say that Taiwan is super safe. I've never felt less threatened walking alone or leaving stuff places. You can leave your scooter on the side of the road for a couple hours with the key in the ignition (yes, I've done it) and it will still be there. That being said, the park is a local hang out for vagrants and other people who are freaky deaky. There is one man who always comes around and he looks like he is high on something, or has been high on too many somethings. Not too sure, but we see him around.

Anyway, on Sunday night he was trying to talk to us and he kept getting in our circle for Catchphrase. Everyone who could speak Chinese was telling him to leave but he wouldn't. He just kept telling everyone "I love you." We put some food on one of the other tables to try and lure him away from us. It sort of worked, but he kept interjecting from that table. But at least he was further away. It was actually kind of funny, at least to me. Haha.

On Monday, we didn't have work because of Moon Festival still so again we went to the park to play frisbee. Two of the guys had gone away for the weekend and really wanted to play so we obliged them. It was super fun! We ended up playing for a little over four hours! It was crazy! And my team won both times - yup. It is really fun to have that every weekend!

Today, Wednesday, Alex, Cristelle, Carly and I went and hiked Tiger Head again. Today was gorgeous. Up along the ridge you could see for miles and miles. Of course I had my camera but had left it in the scooter. Such a bummer. It was spectacular. And the hike was great too. It's really nice to be able to drive five minutes and then feel like you're out of the city.

Up in that area, if you'll recall, is a Confucius temple. Carly and I decided to walk around it a little bit after the hike. It is awesome. The temples are always so serene no matter what they are surrounded by. We got stopped by a old Chinese couple that were walking out. They wanted to use their English, which only consisted of "hello, how are you?" and "very pretty girls". It was super cute.

We walked around the temple for a little bit and admired the colors. It is such a stark contrast to the western churches and cathedrals. I know that there is a lot of color incorporated into the decoration of the churches but in the temples here, color is an integral part of all aspects of the buildings. I feel myself brightening up when I walk into one. They are something else!

Tonight I have my last subbing class for Josh P. It is a really good week because I am finally getting paid for most of my classes. So I got paid last night, I get paid tonight, and Thursday and Friday! I'm going to feel super rich! Haha.

Tomorrow, I think Alex and I are going to Taipei again for a different museum. We heard there is a Picasso exhibit in the history museum so we are going to go check it out! Should be awesome!

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