The National Palace Museum is something to see, just in itself. It was created by Dr. Sun Yat-sen as a home for the relics and artifacts that were brought over from China. Alex and I explored the grounds but didn't go in the Taiwanese part of the museum. We limited ourselves to the Mucha exhibit. It is supposedly the largest collection of his works outside of Prague. I absolutely loved it!
After, we grabbed lunch at a bagel place (so delicious) and then some frozen yogurt (even more delicious. Then we headed home because both of us had class in the evening.

Thursday I had my one of my favorite classes. During class, we did the Q/A: what kind of music do you like? Standard operating procedure is that you ask the question and then the students tell you what they like and you write it on the board. Then the co-teacher writes in Chinese. Well we were done with genres (one girl said country - she got an extra star! ) and the kids were writing when one of the kids, Jarry (my favorite) shouts out 'beat box!'. I almost died laughing. And then I taught the whole class "drop a beat". Haha. It was awesome! Never thought that was something I would be teaching in Taiwan!
This morning, Cristelle and I went to the stationary store. Even though it has a specific name, the stores sell everything! From envelopes, pens and other stationary objects to costumes, hair accessories, wallets and toys. It is pretty funny. I bought some amazing stationary, a pencil case and a driving mask. Two things: kids here are literally OBSESSED with pens. It is crazy! If you have a cool pen they will stop paying attention to what you are saying and stare at the pen and ask to use it! It is unbelievable. And if they ever give you a pen, it is the highest form of a gift
they can give! And I bought the mask because I have developed what I like to call the 'smog cough'. It is terrible. To drive is to be bombarded/attacked by fumes and smog. I have developed a cough that I am sure is due to the pollution and so have bought a mask. I'm turning Taiwanese, oh yes I'm turning Taiwanese, I really think so. :)
In the early afternoon we had a workshop and then a bunch of us went to Subber to write our lesson plans. It's really nice to have a collective brain to pool from when doing lesson plans. And tonight, I had my two young classes. They were both great. Both classes are so energetic and crazy that the hour and a half just flies by! So much fun! I also was given a pamelo by one of my students. That is a traditional eat during the moon festival! (We have Saturday and Monday off because of the festival!)
After classes, Josh, Brian, Matt and I got some dinner and then headed to the park to meet some others. One of our favorite past times now is to sit around and play categories like: countries of the world, 90s bands, clothing brands, etc. It is so much fun! But as many of you know, I HATE losing. It is a dangerous game! Haha. But seriously, we always have a lot of fun!
Tonight started the Moon Festival - it marks the end of harvest season. Traditionally, Taiwanese people get together with much of their families and barbecue. Tomorrow, I am going to Kay's family BBQ with Alex and Matt. Lots of food and some karaoke have been promised. Should be awesome, but at the very least, it will be an experience!
Lots o' love!
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