Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Here are just some happenings in the day to day of life in Taiwan. 

Last Tuesday, Rooney and I went to the batting cages right by our house. It was really fun. We bought the least amount of tokens and quickly decided that wasn't going to be enough. All of the bats were way to big for me but I hit my fair share of home runs. At the batting cages they also had a lot of arcade games and stuff. We played a couple including basketball (which I failed miserably at), bowling (which I won, best two out of three), a freaky throwing game, and Rooney did a 'how hard can you punch game'. After that, I decided I wouldn't take Rooney on in a fight - he got the highest score on the machine, ever. 

Wednesday, we went into Taipei for the art exhibit by Ai Weiwei. It was really interesting. He does a lot of really freaky stuff, but some really cool stuff too. In the entrance hall of the museum where his exhibit is housed, he has an installment. It is all the heads of the different Chinese Zodiac animals. It was pretty cool! I couldn't remember what animal I was but later found out I am a dragon - super bad ass, and the envy of Rooney who is a rat. Haha. But we both agreed it could be worse, we could be a pig. 

After the museum, we walked around the area. It is right next to the place where they had the floral exhibit last year so there is some really cool stuff. We wandered around and took lots of pictures! 

 Friday, we went back to Taipei to go to the top of Taipei 101. It was pretty awesome. The people there warned us that the view wasn't very good because it wasn't clear. But we were both happy we went up. The view was still pretty amazing. The building is pretty awesome as well. 

Friday night, at 1130pm Rooney and I decided to go to see the newest Twilight movie at 1220am. We were supposed to go with a big group but that didn't end up working out and he was PANICKING that he wasn't going to get to see it. So we rushed out of the house in pajamas, sped over to Taimall and cursed everyone who slowed our elevator's ascent to the seventh floor. I thought Rooney was going to start taking people out on our sprint to the ticket line. I was laughing so hard. The movie turned out to be entertaining but there is no doubt, he was more excited to see it than I was. 

Sunday, we played ultimate football. That is ultimate frisbee rules with a football. It was pretty fun but a lot different than using a frisbee. Some of the boys also went over and challenged some Taiwanese guys to basketball, sure that they would obliterate them. Well, didn't really go as planned. The game was over in about six minutes - pride crushed. Haha. But it was funny to watch. 

Monday night brought the usual bowling games. Our team did amazing. We had the highest score of everyone again - by about one hundred pins - and so won the money. I did really great. I bowled a 148, not too shabby. The second game didn't go as well. My first frame I hit exactly 0 pins. Yes, that's a zero, not a large 'o'. Talk about a nightmare. I think I bowled more zeroes in that game than I have before. Somehow though, I ended up with a 115. Not terrible but not great. 

Tuesday Rooney tried to teach me how to shoot a basketball against my warnings. I'm trying to become adequate but I don't see that happening anytime soon. He's a pretty good teacher though. I made the most baskets I can remember making. And that is only about 10 in a 30minute window. Haha. Oh well. I'll stick to soccer and frisbee.

Tuesday night, Kay invited Rooney and I to go with her and some friends to KTV. It is a karaoke place but you get your own room so it's slightly less embarrassing. We had a lot o fun! But Kay tried to kill us. Rooney and I sang a couple smash hits including the Backstreet Boys, Taylor Swift, and Frank Sinatra. We also had a number of disaster songs. Haha. But all in all it was a pretty fun night! And Kay's daughter Vivian came so it was fun to hang out from her again (see Moon Festival). 

Lots of laughs. Lots of fun. Life is good.
The Taiwan Flower Garden

Vivian and Anna at KTV



Doin' his thang.

Weiwei's Chinese Zodiac

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