Sunday, November 27, 2011


So, this being my second Thanksgiving away from home, I consider myself a vet. This Thanksgiving was both similar and different to my Czech one.

The Menu

Rooney and Ting! 

The food. 
A few days before, Rooney and I found a restaurant that was serving Thanksgiving dinner - turkey and all. After (very) briefly entertaining the idea of having everyone over to our house to eat, we decided that going to the restaurant and letting them deal with all the clean up was a much better idea. So we rounded up the troops and got everyone excited for dinner!

Thursday day, a small group of us went to the park and played football. It's not really Thanksgiving without some sort of physical activity/competition. It was a fun game and the weather couldn't have been nicer. It was nicer here than it was at home.

Dinner was great! We all headed over there after work and were treated to a huge meal! We had turkey, vegetables, salad, soup, mashed potatoes, stuffing (but it was weird), and pumpkin pie. We all ate way too much, but again, what's Thanksgiving if not a time to eat yourself sick!?

All in all it was a great Thanksgiving. The only thing it was missing was my family! But I got to skype them, so that made it a little better!

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