Monday, November 28, 2011


On Sunday I headed out to Yehliu Geopark. It was a success.

I went alone, as many as my Sundays turn out. I wasn't thrilled about that but it ended up being okay. The park is a bus ride to Taipei and then a bus ride from there. I was pretty convinced that I was going the wrong way and was going to end up somewhere totally different. But with the help of a few different, very amiable Taiwanese people, I made it.

The town of Yehliu is great. It is a little fishing town with a cool harbor and all the shops sell fresh fish and ocean things. It as nice to walk around and be by the ocean. I didn't realize how much I miss it! I took a couple wrong ways trying to get to the park but eventually found it.

It is really awesome. It is on the north east coast and made of sand stone. Because of the roaring wind that whips through there, the rock has been transformed into crazy shapes - mushrooms, turrets, and even one that looks like Nefertiti bust. It's pretty cool. It was swarmed with people, but I managed to wander around long enough to find a place where there were fewer people. I plopped down on a rock right on the ocean and watched the fishermen and people walking by. It was really peaceful and so nice.

The place is really cool. It's a trek getting out there but I thought it was worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Somehow missed that you'd put this one up, but great pictures! The first one looks like Mom's hair after a bike ride.

    How did you get the one of you jumping? Or, how many tries did you need to get the timing right?

    Can't believe how many fascinating places you're finding on that island.
