Today, I'm headed to YMS NP. I am really excited. I've wanted to go for a while but it never worked out until now. Rooney was going to come today but decided to sleep instead. Cristelle was also going to come but she is going to Taipei now with the other girls to see an art exhibit. I think I'll see that sometime this week. It's supposed to be great. But that means I'm flying solo today. I'm kind of happy about that though. I don't have much alone time so it's nice to recharge every once in a while. And what better place to do that then surrounded by beauty?
(Post visit)
So YMS NP is beautiful. Today was super foggy/misty so the views weren't great from the mountain. The whole bus ride up was gorgeous though, and you could see the mountain shrouded in mist. There were some awesome views of Taipei 101 too.
I pretty much just wandered around. Got lost a bunch, but that's the best way to really see a place, I think! I went up and down and up and down tons of stairs - so many I lost count. Came across lots of flowers and "pavilions". Also found the waterfall that was "too far to walk to". And I'm really glad I made it there because it was awesome. There were multiple levels and so much water. There was also a bridge that crossed it at a middle level and it was great! I could have sat there all day.
I took a little side path I found that pointed the way to Young Mountain. I'm not sure it was necessary but at least it was a great workout. In just that little section I climbed over 300 stairs. And the top was nothing. Just a clearing with a building. Haha. Sometimes you hit a home run and sometimes you miss.
I made my way back to the bus stop and then pack to Taipei. More great shots of the metro area and Taipei 101. I decided to go to the base of 101, just to see it. The MRT was so crowded. It's easy to forget how crowded Asia really is until you're taking public transportation at rush hour - and it was a Sunday.
It was a great day. I got my alone time and worked out.
In other news:
Bowling league is still happening though my score has been slowly diminishing. Not terrible but not the uncharacteristic scores of the previous weeks. A few weeks ago, though we won the money for having the overall highest score for the night. Yeah buddy!
Rooney and I found an amazing movie theater. It serves you dinner, included in the price of the ticket, and you get a huge lazy boy recliner and a blanket. Definitely better than the theaters at home. And a fraction of the cost if you count the food!

The other night Rooney and I had Ting, our Taiwanese friend over for dinner. It was great! We cooked some dinner and she brought the dessert. But we ran out of rice and so she brought some of that too. We also learned that we really had no idea how to use our rice maker. Haha. But Ting taught us! She's great!

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