Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Saturday night, a huge group of us actually went to the park that is right by our house for drinks and to hang out. It is crazy that you can drink in public here. But I guess it is like Europe in that regard. But we hung out there for such a long time, joking around, playing on the playground and just talking. I spent a lot of time with Amy and Jen. They are both so cool. Jen is leaving soon so that is a major bummer. But Amy is here for a while still. I also talked a lot with Josh from Hawaii too. There are just so many cool people here. We ended up staying in the park til about 330. I couldn't believe it - so much for my quiet, early night. Haha.

So, on Sunday we planned to meet at the park to play ultimate Frisbee with a group of people. I showed up a few minutes late and then Carson showed up right after. And then within three minutes it was raining pretty hard. And other people started arriving but we didn't know what to do really - should we play or not. Well, we decided to play and it was such a good idea. We played ultimate and then football for a couple hours in the pre-typhoon weather. It was super rainy and so windy! The Frisbee was doing all sorts of crazy things and it made the game so much more interesting. Haha. The group was me, Carly, Carson, Dustin, Brian, Brian, John, and Fifi (John's wife).

After frisbee, Carly and I went to dinner at TGI Friday's. She was really craving a steak, which she got. It was funny to be in a Friday's in Taiwan. And after that, we met up with Cristelle and her family who were visiting. They stayed in this really nice hotel a couple blocks from the dorm so we met them for drinks and conversation at the hotel bar. It was really nice. They had just gotten back from Cambodia and hearing them talk about it made me want to up and leave Taiwan. I can't wait to travel all around - soon or even in the distant future.

After the hotel we met up with a bunch of people and went bowling. It was a lot of fun! Bowling is such a good activity for people who are getting to know each other because it is so social. It's not like playing sports where all you want to do is obliterate the other person. Haha. But it was a lot of fun. And n Sunday night we found out that we had a 'typhoon day' on Monday. So we basically had a free day. We decided that we had had so much fun playing in the rain that we wanted to do it again.

So Monday day, Alex and I headed to the park at noon, the decided upon time. Well, apparently everyone had a harder time waking up than was anticipated because we were the only ones there until Carson arrived at about 1245 and let us know that it was pushed back to 130. So we had a lot of bonding time at the park. And of course because it was a scheduled typhoon day, there was not even an inkling of a typhoon - save for wind. There was no rain, it was sunny, and hot. And there was a much bigger crowd than the previous day. So we played football and ultimate again. But it was a little too windy for the Frisbee so we played ultimate rules with a mini football. It was really fun.

After that, (Alex and I were at the park for five hours, literally) we all ran home, showered and then went to get some DELICIOUS Thai food for dinner. I seriously could not stop eating the food in front of me. Hard to believe right? Haha. But it was really good food and company and I got to talk to some other teachers that I haven't spent as much time with. I also got to solidify plans to buy Jen's scooter when she leaves on September 6th. I am so looking forward to that.

Today, all the new teachers (whoever has been here less than a year) had a workshop on teaching outside Gloria English classes. Companies and schools contract out to Gloria for teachers so they have a little workshop on teaching. And I actually got assigned a class. So tomorrow morning I am going to have an interview/meeting with the principal of the school where I am going to teach. It is called Ching-Shi Elementary school. I'm excited but kind of nervous because I will be the only teacher. There is no co-teacher to do the discipline or anything. Hopefully I get a good, well behaved class!

Also, I had successful scooter drive today! And I am good at driving now. No incidents, or even close calls or anything. And we got totally caught in the pouring rain. Should have had the typhoon day today and not yesterday. But that makes me feel a lot better because I was really nervous to drive after the whole running into the wall ordeal. Haha.

I also had two more of my regular classes. Both are at Tung An so that is really nice because I don't have to go anywhere.

Think good thoughts about me tomorrow for my interview!! Asian love to you all!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Daxing loo he Dayoo loo

Friday, I subbed a class. It was at the school I take the bus to. This time, there were no major incidents on the bus - no shouting, no getting lost. It made me feel like I'm really living here! After class, Cristelle and I decided to go for a run, have to get this training underway or else race day is going to come and I will die. Haha. So we went to a "track". It is sort of a path that encloses a park-ish area. It has basketball courts, a play area, a roller rink and some other stuff in the middle. While we were running there was a pretty awesome lightning show going on. It made running around in circles much more enjoyable. But then it started to rain, as it often does here. We did some sprints after and then headed home after it started raining harder.

Today, I had three classes to sub. My day started at 9:30 and didn't end until 7:30. That might not seem like a lot to some of you but for here, it is a long day. Usually it's only about four hours. But the classes were pretty good. They were higher level than I usually teach but sometimes that is fun. You can play harder games and challenge the kids more. I was laughing because one of the teachers, Ivy, described the relationships between the boy and girl students perfectly. She said, "this is a thing in Taiwan - you ask them to talk, it's like asking them to kiss each other." Haha. Only the older kids. But I guess that is sort of normal for home too.

After class I took a cab to the BBQ place. I felt accomplished again because I told the driver where I wanted to go in Chinese. Woo! It wasn't very hard, but it is the title of the blog. Baby steps!!

Tonight, I think I am just going to hang out. I'm tired and we are playing some Ultimate Frisbee tomorrow so I have to rest up. Haha.

*Sorry, no pictures. But life is normalizing. :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Free Hugs & Search

On Wednesday, I went to Taipei with Alex, Cristelle, Dannica, Kristen and Carly to give free hugs. Carly and Kristen were going to do it so the rest of us just jumped on the bandwagon. It was really fun. We were all a little apprehensive because in general, the people here are pretty much anti-touching. We were well aware of the fact that the day could end with us only hugging each other. Carly bought three signs and we wrote on them in English. In the main station, Carly stopped for breakfast so we thought we would ask someone to write 'free hugs' in Chinese as well. We got a guy to do it for us. When we were on the MRT to our destination Cristelle discovered that the Chinese did not say 'free hugs'. Instead, it was the guy's name who wrote it - HAHA. We were dying laughing. So we went to the information station and they wrote it for us! And then they took a picture. Haha. I've never had my picture taken so many times.

There were plenty of people who were not really into the whole idea but so many more that were. Groups of people were walking in circles to pass us more than once. Parents were bringing their little kids up for hugs. Friends were shoving their friends at us or asking us to hug their friends. It was pretty hilarious. Alex was so funny because she was like a heat seeking missile. If someone looked like they were even considering a hug she would run over and go "HUG!!" I was cracking up just watching her single people out. And Kristen hugged this monk guy that literally just stood there like he was being forced to be hugged. It was awesome!!

On Wednesday night we went to this aboriginal restaurant. A bunch of the native teachers wanted to take Kristen there before she left so we turned it into an outing. A lot of teachers, both foreign and native, showed up. There was music, aboriginal dancing (that I of course took part of), and some of the freakiest food. There was wild rat, ant (like the pest) egg rolls, pork knee. The only crazy thing I ate was a bumble bee. I can't really believe I did that. Haha. It didn't really taste like anything - it was fried - but while I was chewing it I couldn't stop thinking that I was eating a bee and I kind of panicked. Haha.

After dinner, a smaller bunch of us went to a club in the city next to us called Search. It was crazy. Only 200NT for all you can drink, which is less than one beer at the bars at home. Pretty crazy! There was lots of dancing and when Justin Bieber came on, it was like being at a teenage concert - everyone went crazy. Haha. But it was a lot of fun! I didn't end up getting home until really late/early in the morning - at 6am. I'm not really up to staying out that late but it was a really good time. And I have to get all my Kristen time in now. Also, we met a group of German guys that are studying here. So I conversed with them in German, and so practiced my German in the least likely of all places I would ever have imagined.

Today, I had my first regular class. They seem really good! It was fun and there are some good kids. Hopefully they stay really good! I took a cab there because I had no idea how to get there and my cab driver was singing English songs to me the whole time. I was cracking up!

Also, I forgot to tell you that I learned that instead of yelling or getting mad at people while driving here, you just shoot them with your finger guns. Hilarious. Naturally, it is my new favorite thing. And I had ample time to use it on our drive to the hike. We took a wrong turn and ended up getting on the on ramp for the highway. I'm not sure if that is illegal or just ill-advised but we stopped and were pretty much stuck. All the cars going by were honking at us and yelling in Chinese. I was just shooting us the whole time. Haha. It was pretty funny - five foreigners stuck on an on ramp waiting for a break in traffic. So funny.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sanxia Hike

Monday I had a subbing gig at Dar Nan again, for the same class. I didn't have a ride so I decided to take the bus instead of a taxi over there. People told me it was 20NT for the 201 bus that drops you off right by the school. Well after about 20 minutes on the bus it was apparent that the driver was yelling (? hard to tell if they're talking or yelling) at me and then two young girls got on and he spoke to them and then they turned around and stared at me. Haha. They asked where I was going and I showed them my lesson plan - on the back of it there is the address in both Chinese and English of each school. So then I found out that the bus was actually 36NT, I owed an additional 16NT. And the plus side of that was they knew were I was going so they told me where to get off. I would have had NO idea where if they hadn't told me. Haha. Even with knowing when to get off I still got lost. Let me tell you why. For each word, there are multiple ways to prounounce it...freaky. So the street of the school on the back of my lesson plan says Chung Hsiao. Well there is no street called that. It is written Zongxiao on the street sign. Ummmm - not the same. Luckily, I knew that 'x' is sometimes pronounced as an 's' so I turned down that street and found the school! It is just a good thing I was super early!

After class, I took a taxi back with Mike, another guy who lives in the dorm. Then I met up with Carly and a bunch of us went to get 'hot pot'. It is sort of like fondue, not with cheese. - you cook your food in front of you in boiling water. It was actually pretty good but there were a lot of mystery foods in the bowl.

This morning, I went on a really cool hike with Carly, Kristen, Dannica, and Kelly (new face). It was sort of a long drive to get there but Carly and I talked pretty much the whole way. When you go over this one bridge you can see Taipei 101 some days. It would have been really cool but it was too hazy (smoggy?) to see it. The hike is literally right off the road - you go straight up some stairs and you are right in the thick of it. I was sweating like a huge fat man the whole time. So so so so sweaty. Haha. And it was really similar to parts of Angel's Landing in Zion National Park. Obviously the surroundings are much different - jungle - but we had to climb up ropes and down ropes, up cliff sides, down waterfall routes. It was crazy, but a lot of fun! And at one point you have to repel down about 50 feet of sheer rock. It was awesome! Haha. I loved every second!

After the hike I had an observation and then I subbed a class at Nan Kan. I got a ride with Kelly. It was fun. The class was very energetic and I got to observe and teach with the same co-teacher Sandy. She is really nice!

After that I got a ride with Carly and she, Alex and I went to BBQ. Delicious as always. But on the way, the heavens opened up and there was a crazy downpour. I got soaked! We had to pull over at one point so Carly could stow her iPod and put on a rain jacket. Well, I didn't have one so I was just getting poured on. I was cracking up. And then as quick as it started it was over. Pretty crazy. Apparently that happens a lot. I'll have to invest in a poncho or something of the sort.

I also got assigned to my first regular class! It is on Thursday! Send me good wishes!!! Miss you all!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Yingge & Taipei

After the world's largest mango, Christine invited me to go with them to dinner. I wasn't really hungry but I went with them. We struck out at a pasta place that was already closed and then decided on BBQ. When we got to the place, Alex, Carly, Kristen, and Carson were there too so we sat and talked wit
h them. The food was delicious. I had a little bit because each skewer of food is only 10NT. It was super spicy and super delicious!

Saturday, Dannica and I decided to go to Yingge (pronounced yingah). They have a beautifully restored temple there along with an 'old town' and a really prominent ceramic district. So we hopped on a bus to downtown, then on a train. We were pretty proud of ourselves for figuring out the train because it was all in Chinese. I read the schedule and said I figured it out but we were still a little skeptical so we asked a couple people - turns out I was right!

After we got off, only one stop, we pantomimed with a nice young lady who told us how to get to the temple. It turned out to be really cool. Apparently it is the example for temple restoration in
Taiwan. It looked great. We wandered around the temple for a while and then this old Chinese man and woman came up to us and herded us over to a table where they served us up some soup. It was really weird soup - cold, sweet, but it had peas or some kind of beans or something. I didn't really mind it but Dannica hated it. And they were standing over us watching us eat it. I was dying laughing. After I almost finished mine the man tried to serve me more! Haha. They were being really nice in letting us have it I'm sure, but we didn't want it! And the whole time we were eating these two old women were just chatting away with us in Chinese. Like we had any idea what they were saying. Haha.

After the temple we went down to the old ceramic district. It was a pretty cool area. Lots of stores with handmade ceramics, cobblestone streets, horse mounted police. It was cool. After window shopping through the area we headed back home to the dorms. When we made it back we were very proud of ourselves!

Saturday night we had Kristen's going away party at Mimi House. It was a lot of fun and so many people were there! I got to see everyone I had already met, talk to some new people, and meet tons of people! I'm bummed Kristen is leaving so soon after I got here. It has been really nice getting to know her. She is one of those people that you feel like you've already known for a long time when you first meet them.

We stayed there for a long time and then at about 330 I decided I should return home. Because on Sunday Dannica and I went into Taipei. We took the bus again, this time a much more enjoyable ride, and went into the pedestrian area of Taipei - mostly shopping. That area is crazy! It is like Times Square without cars. Thousands of people everywhere and every kind of shop selling all the same stuff! We walked around there but branched out a little bit and found a cool flea market type thing that happens once a month. Next to that was this weird rehearsal or something of people dressed up in costumes and holding snakes and it was really weird.

It started to rain so we cut our trip short and headed back home. All in all it was a good weekend, with lots of walking! So much walking!

Friday, August 19, 2011


So, not sure what the deal is but apparently my address is:
No. 16 (not 169), Lane 336, Tung An St., Taoyuan City, Taoyuan, Taiwan, ROC

Amanda, the director sent me 169 but everything else says 16. Alex said she told people 16 also and she has received the mail. So.... do with that what you will.

And if anyone wants to send me some GU for my half marathon, or shot blocks or something, feel free!!!


Yesterday, I had my observation and sub class at Nei Li school. It is really far away, but Josh picked me up again. It took about twenty five minutes to get there. Josh took a short cut that skirted some rice paddy fields and was really pretty. I probably wont be able to find that particular way again, but I'll definitely look for it - it was a much nicer ride than the craziness that is the main roads. It is a little hard to imagine how crazy and hectic the roads are here without seeing it. Pretty unbelievable. We also got another mango Coco slush - so delicious.

In my observation class, I watched Brandon - the guy who did our workshop. He is really nice. One of his kids is hilarious. When we walked in the kid, Arthur, said "hello Brandon, you are handsome." We both laughed and then he asked my name and I told him Bonnie. Then he said "hello Bonnie, you are very pretty." Haha. Such cute kids. A lot of the teachers, guy teachers, have the students say "handsome (insert name here)". It is pretty funny. Also, two of the kids in his class have crazy names. One is Dozen (yes, like a dozen roses) and the other is Snoopy - haha. Such crazy kids.

After class Josh brought me home and on the drive the moon was amazing! So big and so orange - a true harvest moon. I couldn't take my eyes off it so I guess it's a good thing I wasn't driving.

Alex, Christine (my immediate neighbor) and I went and got Teppan yaki again. It was good and fun to get to know Christine. I hadn't really talked to her before. She is leaving Gloria soon to study Chinese full time on a scholarship so that is pretty awesome. It is cool to hear her speak because she is basically fluent.

This morning I was planning on going on a hike with Cristelle. She went for a run early in the morning and her shins were bugging her so she opted out but offered to let me use her scooter. I enlisted Dannica in the hike and we went downstairs for the scooter orientation. Well, turns out I really can't drive a scooter. I literally drove it straight into the wall - haha. Thankfully the scooter was unharmed. I came through with a few scratches - one on my palm, one on my middle finger and a blood blister on my left pointer finger. Could have been much worse, but I'm hoping this takes care of my inevitable scooter accident. So instead of setting out on a hike, we set out for Carrefour to purchase some first aid supplies.

A while later, we had our workshop and then I hitched a ride with Alex to downtown Taoyuan. All the other girls had class so I decided to explore. She dropped me off at the Jin-fu Temple. It has been there forever but now it is in the middle of a roundabout. Pretty funny. There is so much incense burning inside and people praying all over. I think the plaque said it was some sort of shrine/temple for Confucius. In any case it was pretty cool.

I had planned on catching a cab back to the dorm but I thought walking back would be a pretty good way to get oriented a little better. Turns out I was right. The walked ended up being about 45 minutes but I didn't get lost once. I am pretty proud of myself. Everyone says once you get a scooter, orientation comes more naturally, but I've already turned on my internal GPS. Haha.

I just finished dinner - the worlds largest mango. EVER. The fruit here is so delicious. I also tried a custard apple for the first time today. Weirdest looking fruit but tastes pretty good - a little weird, but good.

Love you all!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Kindy Workshop


So Tuesday, I had another observation and another subbing class, this time at Cheng kung. It is over by the Taoyuan train station, so a much busier area than when I live. Phil drove me over there on his scooter this time and we talked about teaching and the hard parts and the fun parts. He is really nice too, just like everyone else!

After my classes, I had a little bit of time because Phil's class didn't end until after mine. I went and got a little drink from the place downstairs. It was delicious - had some mochi at the bottom. So good!

When I got home we went and got some Japanese food right by our house. It was Cristelle, Dannica, Megan, and Alex. The food was good but I wasn't too hungry because of the drink I got.

Wednesday, I woke up really late - finally! Because I've been waking up early (for me) every morning, it was really nice to wake up late. We had our 'Kindy Workshop' in the early afternoon with Brandon, a teacher who has been here a very long time. It was really good. He went through all the things we will be teaching the small kids and games that work well and all that. It was really good and helpful.

After the workshop Dannica and I walked over to the post office so I could send some letters. We got Coco - that delicious slush place Josh took me. There is one on the way to the post office and it was blazing hot, so there was really no way to pass it up . It is a little funny walking around here because it really does seem like I'm walking through China Town in any big city. It looks exactly as you would imagine with all the big signs in all Chinese. And the little food stands everywhere. Dannica and I tried to get some dumplings yesterday at one of the carts but somehow ended up with bread. Haha. It was like a little sweet roll, not what we expected.

After dinner at home Alex, Dannica and I watched an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm in the living room. It was super hot in there because they don't air condition it - just the rooms. But the fans were going so it was at least bearable. For an episode. Haha.

Today I have another observation and sub class. Cristelle and I might go on a hike before if there is time.

Love you all!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Fulong & Subbing

Hello all! Sorry about the break but our internet went out so I couldn't connect. But, no fear. Here I am with lots to tell.

So, I left off with Saturday night. We ended up going to a restaurant (local Gloria hangout) called Vigorous Seafood. Kind of a funny name, but the food is delicious. We met up with a boatload of people there - probably about twenty of us. So it was nice to meet a lot of the other teachers who don't live at the dorm anymore. They were all really helpful and friendly, answering any and all of my questions.

After dinner, a smaller group of us went to a bar called Mimi House. It is a small little place, but they have good music and lots of places to sit. We talked for a while and then played some games. Then all of a sudden it was almost three o'clock. Where did that time go? I guess it goes a lot faster when you don't eat dinner until about 10.

Some people went to another bar but I went home with Cristelle and Dannica because we wanted to be able to do something on Sunday. That 'something' turned out to be going to Fulong beach.

Even though Taiwan is a relatively small island, it took us about an hour and a half to get to the beach. Apparently there are closer ones, but none as good. So we met a group of people at the bus stop, hopped on a bus to Taipei and then switched to a train that would take us out there. The train ride was really pretty. There are so many lush, rolling peaks and hills. And so green. The best part is all the little temples and shrines that are everywhere - on city street corners, on sides of mountains, in little villages - everywhere. It's really neat to just happen upon them.

Anyway, the beach was wonderful. The water was perfect temperature and so shallow. We walked out about 100 feet and we were no deeper than about hip depth. Pretty crazy. There were lots of surfers and paddle boarders. So we hung out there for a long time, and watched the sunset. I got to talk to some of the girls who have been here a while (Kristen, Carly and Sara). They are all really nice.
After sunset, the six of us girls split off from the group and caught the train back to Taipei where we decided to eat. It was an American chain so I split the shrimp tacos and the fish tacos with Kristen. I got to talk to her for a good while about moving here and how the friendships that are formed here are so similar to the ones when you study abroad. I'm looking forward to making some really great friends.

After dinner, we had to run through the main station, literally, to make it to the last bus back to Taoyuan. It was a close call but we made it and then all konked out on the bus. After we finally made it back to our house it was about 1230. Such a long day! But a really good one!

Today, I woke up and the internet was still out. What the heck? So Cristelle and I walked to Starbucks for the wifi. You have to pay for it here though, bummer. But we signed up for the Taroko Gorge half marathon on Novemb
er 5th. Training starts any second now. Haha. But it should be a really awesome race. Taroko Gorge is a national park which, from all the pictures I've seen, is amazing. I can't wait. And it will be nice to run with someone. Also, it will be a little weekend trip, so I'm actually looking forward to it - for now at least.

After Starbucks I bought a phone and for some really bizarre reason, I got free toilet paper. So weird. But I guess that is good because you have to bring toilet paper with you everywhere in case there is not. Not like it ran out but like it was never there. Don't ask my why but for some reason they don't provide it a lot of times. Carly and Kristen told us to always carry tissue/toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Haha. Words to live by I guess.

I had another observation today, but this time at Dar Nan. I got a ride with Josh on his scooter. We got there a little early so he took me to a place that has really good slushies (sort of slushies, more like 'snow' if you know what that is). It was delicious. Then he took me around the school and went over my lesson plan for the class I was subbing. Really nice! That class went well. I was nervous at first, probably bright red. Haha. But once you get into the rhythm of the class it gets a lot easier and more comfortable. It was fun. The kids are eight and nine and so cute! I will be subbing that class for two more weeks too, so that is kind of fun. I'll get to know the kids a little bit.

After class, Josh met me to take me home but we stopped in the night market for food. That is one crazy place. It is only open at night (hence the name) and it has literally everything: clothes, food, shoes, chicken feet, stinky tofu, life fish, games, music, fruit. Literally everything. And usually at a discounted rate. So Josh took me around the whole thing while we waited for our food. He is taking me to another school on Thursday I guess. He is super nice, and really helpful. He has been here for almost year and a half so he knows a lot. Haha. I'll have to remember that for when someone else is new too.

Anyway, now I am in my room eating my delicious food (not anything freaky). Tomorrow I have the same thing, another observation and then another sub class but at yet another school. Should be pretty good!

Love and miss you all!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

What is your favorite holiday?

Each class has a Q&A that gets repeated throughout the class. The kids have to ask the question and also answer it. If I can't find a good title, I'm going to use the questions, as I did for this one.

My observations last night were good ones. I did another 'kindy' class and a 'beginners' class. Beginners are just starting but older than 'kindy'. The first class I was in was hilarious. The second I sat down, a little boy named Timmy turned around and looked at me, pretended to shoot me, blew the smoke off his 'gun' and then smiled. I was dying laughing in the back. So stinking cute. The second class was crazy! Running all over and so much energy! They are on their summer break from regular school still so they have energy galore that they save up all day!

Last night was uneventful. I just went to bed.

This morning I had an observation in a WOW level class. They are much older and very good at English. I think they are the highest but there might be one level higher. But instead of going over the same questions multiple times and repeating everything, they are learning parts of speech and changing tenses. The teacher in that class, Josh, is really nice! He is from Hawaii. He had them start with an ad lib. It was a love letter. It was pretty funny. The students could use any names in the class so one of the 'letters' ended up being from Josh to me. The kids thought it was hilarious. It was pretty funny! And he also gave me some sticky balls. They are balls that stick to the whiteboard and most teachers use them all the time for games! It was really nice of him to give me some. I'll have to remember that for when someone new observes me!

Not sure what I'm doing the rest of the day until 6:30 when I have another observation. It's at my school again so that's easy. I got my schedule for Monday and Tuesday as well. I have one observation on Monday and I also have my first substitution as well! It is at a different school (Dar Nan) so, Josh (different one, but one I have met) is taking me over there. And I'm doing that for the next three Mondays. Then on Tuesday I am observing at Chen Kung and subbing in another class too! Phil from last night is taking me over there. Each time you go to a new school someone takes you. But after that you have to know how to get there. I'm going to be paying VERY close attention! Don't want to get lost!

Hopefully there will be something fun to do tonight! And I think there are some talks about going to Taipei tomorrow, so hopefully that pans out. I've heard it's pretty cool so I want to check it out!



Here's my address. I'll be expecting things.

No. 169, Lane 336, Tung An St., Taoyuan City, Taoyuan, Taiwan, ROC

Obviously include my name. Not sure if you need to put my room number on it, but it is #501.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Medical Check-up

Last night I went with Cristelle, Dannica, and Kristen (new face) to get dinner and ice cream. We ended up getting ice cream first because we didn't know what we wanted for dinner. Oh, and it's so STINKING HOT. After ice cream, we dropped Kristen off and the three of us headed over to a Japanese place. It was teppan style eating. They cooked it in front of us. I got mushrooms with onions, veggies, and rice. It was delicious - very garlic-y. My friend got a beer and it was called "Taiwan Beer". Haha. We were laughing about that. What if there was a USA beer.

Anyway, after dinner we headed home and ran into two other girls from Gloria so we chatted with them for a minute and then came home. I fell asleep very shortly after my head hit the pillow. And might I add, it was a much more comfortable sleep. I didn't wake up once. But I did wake up pretty early again.

For breakfast today I had Dan Bing again. I also got milk tea and discovered the glory of that drink. It is haochi (DELICIOUS)! After breakfast I loafed around, walked down to Carrefour to get some money out of the ATM for the medical check-up, bought another milk tea at the 7-11, and then went to the check up.

The hospital is really interesting, you would have no idea that's what it is from the street. And the inside is really different from ours, at least the part we were in. We went upstairs, checked in, and then each of us was herded through the stations. The entire thing took about seven minutes and included an eye exam, weight and height, temperature, blood drawn, chest x-ray, doctor "exam" (just listened to my lungs and check my neck), and blood pressure. I couldn't believe how quick it was. That would have taken hours at home!

Also, I got my first earned cash today! I forgot to pick it up yesterday after observing. They pay you carfare for each day you observe. I'm lucky because all I have to do is take the elevator downstairs. Haha. Pretty easy money.

Tonight I have two more observations. Both in my dorm school again! Lucky duck! Today I am supposed to get my schedule for tomorrow (Saturday) and Monday. I'll keep you posted!

Lots o' Love!
Pictures are all my books and materials and the first 100NT I earned!


So I ended up not going outside and reading my book. Instead I went to the 'gym' with Cristelle. I say 'gym' because there are a handful of treadmills but about twenty different pools. It is more like a water park, with slides and all, than a gym. But most people are there swimming laps and playing in the pools. I decided to swim laps, and did so four 45 minutes. And thought I was going to die. I am truly surprised that no one jumped in the pool and tried to save me - it can't have been pretty. But I did it!

We rode Cristelle's scooter to the gym. This city really is ruled by scooters. That is the best way to get around it seems. At every red light there are any number of scooters and when the light turns, it is like a race, all of them zooming off and weaving all over. It is hilarious. Cristelle is a great driver, but not all of them are. And the best part is, we stopped for gas and to fill up an empty tank it was just under three dollars. Whaaaat? Crazy, huh? The ride home from the gym was much less relaxing because my arms were like jelly and holding on became increasingly more difficult.

After the gym I came back and had my orientation. I sat down with Amanda, the director, and another new teacher. We went over all the rules and regulations and EVERYTHING. Then she handed me my schedule and I had two observations for right after.

My first class was eight and nine year olds. They are so cute. The second class was a 'kindy' class, or kindergarten. Even cuter, if possible. There are lots of games played, songs sang, rock-paper-scissors played, and shouting. It seems like it's going to be a lot of fun. The other teachers were really nice and answered all my questions. And you should see how crazy the kids to go for these stickers. Apparently the kids can use them to 'buy' things like pens and other stuff. You'd think they were actually money they way the pine over these things. It's pretty funny!

Now, since I am FAMISHED, I'm anxiously awaiting the others to head out for dinner. Classes don't end until 20:45 so dinner gets really pushed back. But I missed it last night because I fell asleep so early, so I'm trying my best to stay awake. I think I'll make it!

Zia jian (goodbye)
Lots of love.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dan Bing

Nin hao. (Hello)
Last night, despite my best efforts I feel asleep at about 20:00. And stayed asleep until about 5:30 this morning. Well, sort of stayed asleep. My bed, aka. the wooden box, turned out to be about as comfortable as it sounds. And I haven't quite mastered the air conditioning. So between being uncomfortable on my side and back, the room would heat up and then get cold and heat up and get cold. I'll have to work on that.

But despite all that, I did wake this morning feeling rested so that was okay. I woke up and hung around for a while, watching some shows I have on my computer. At about 8ish, I set out for Carrefour again, this time determined to come back with a mattress even if it was way too big or too small. Anything would be better than the 'box'. I also bought a curtain and sheet, and some toilet paper. I'm not really sure the situation with that, but there is never any toilet paper in the stalls. So I just bought myself a bunch and I guess I'll just take it back and forth. Haha. Still so much to figure out.

I came back and made my new bed, put up the curtain and also put some pictures up. Made my room a little more like home. After that was all done, I set out to the little stand/restaurant on the corner (directed by Kyrstie yesterday) and got a traditional Taiwanese breakfast, Dan Bing. It is most similar to a crepe with egg on one side. They grill it on a flat top grill and then slice it up and drizzle miso 'syrup' on it. It was actually really delicious. And only 20 NTD so about 50 American cents. Also, I found a delicious passion fruit green tea that is surely to become a staple in my diet.

Now I am just hanging out until my orientation later. I might go back to the park again and read my book for a while. Just get outside.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Gloria is the school I am working at. And the second picture is of my street!

The title of this blog is 'exit'. The significance: the first Chinese I can read and understand! I was celebrating on the street when I read it! But again, I get ahead of myself.

Earlier today I talked with Kyrstie, my friend who taught here at this school and recommended it to me. After talking to her and being coached through how to get to the main store, I plucked up my courage and headed out. It is a really strange feeling, not being able to read anything. I am essentially illiterate and I'm not really digging it. So I am definitely going to learn Chinese. Kyrstie gave me the name of her tutor while she was here and the name of the place where she took lessons.

So, I headed out and had Starbucks for lunch. Before you berate me for being so Western, it is near impossible to tell what is a restaurant and what is not. Seriously. Some other girls I met in my dorm said they still have trouble telling what is what. Also, I had to go to the bathroom so I went. Well, culture shock number one. Literal hole in the floor that flushes. Clearly, I'm not in Kansas anymore.

After lunch I went to Carrefour - the 'everything store' as they call it. I bought some fresh fruit, a bath towel, some tomatoes and some Crocs. They are already saving my life. I can't believe I haven't owned some before now! It was hilarious when I walked into the hallway in my dorm and the floor is littered with dozens of pairs of Crocs.

An hour or so of wandering around Carrefour sufficed and I came back to my dorm to drop off my purchases and pick up a book. I headed out to explore and came across a little park. I sat down and read for a little while before exploring more. I also came across a little temple on the edge of the park. It springs up out of nowhere and is very quite inside despite being on a busy street. Pretty cool.

I wandered around for a little while and then headed home. When I got out of the elevator I was met by a girl who lives a door down from me, Alex. She and I started talking and then others came out. I met two more girls - Dannica and Cristelle (whom I have been talking to since before I came). They were telling me sort of what to expect in the classroom and around town (ex. the restaurant confusion and the value of 7-11). They have some plans tonight which I have been invited to. And tomorrow there was talk of a hike or something else.

Seems like I'm going to fit in just fine!

I Have Arrived!

Hello dear friends and family!
As the title suggests, I have indeed arrived at my new home in Taiwan. But let me back track...
My parents dropped me off at LAX Monday night at about 1030 and through some tears and laughter we said our goodbyes. I have the greatest parents. After getting stuck behind someone my dad likes to say "doesn't travel much" I made it down to my gate but it was packed. I had to sit on the floor and it was so hot because of all the people.

The flight passed without much of anything to note. It was long but I slept a good chunk of it so it was not too bad.

Upon arriving to Taiwan, we were informed that the local time was 5:11 am and that the outside temperature was 82 degrees. Ummm.... Whaaaat? That was my reaction. Naturally, I immediately started sweating because of the humidity. My luggage took forever to come through the baggage claim and I was certain that my bags were lost. I was also certain that I was at the wrong airport. Haha. Neither of which (thankfully) were true.

Steve met me in the airport and said that he too was worried he was at the wrong airport because it took me a long time to come out. And then he launched into his Taiwan spiel. The sun was coming up and it looked like it has just rained. It was a very good welcome to Taiwan. We pulled up to my dorm building. It is located on top of one of the school campuses which could turn out to be very convenient. He showed me to my room (on the fifth floor -- but much less of a hassle than my Prague room if you remember, because of an elevator) and around the facilities.

I have my own, small room. Emphasis on small. It has a desk, a bed, and a metal shelving unit as you can see in the pictures. And my bed is literally a wooden box, literally. So I'll have to see what can be done about that. I do have an AC unit though, so that is a definite plus!

Now I am just relaxing, having unpacked. My day has no specific schedule as Steve kept telling me. Tomorrow though, I have orientation with Amanda (the director) Tomorrow (THURSDAY) at 1530 at the school below me. And then on Friday, I have a physical check up. Haha. Apparently they have to make sure I am physically fit enough to teach English to the children.

That's about it for now. Later today I'm going to try and get to a store to buy sheets and other things, but nothing too exciting. Or maybe it will be, I have no idea!

In short, I have arrived safely and in high spirits. I miss you all a ton already. Much love from Asia!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Leavin' on a Jet Plane

"All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go."
I can't believe how quickly my departure date arrived. I've only been home a number of hours from my trip with my dad and my flight leaves tonight. Luckily, I had enough foresight to (mostly) pack before the most hectic part of my summer. Now, I am just relaxing and enjoying being home before I take off for a year.

It is a really bizarre feeling to know that I wont see my bed, or my room, any of my books, or the clothes I leave, for an entire year. Not to mention my friends or family. Even though I don't see everyone all the time, Taiwan just seems so much further away. Probably because it is - geographically, and particularly culturally.

I am so excited to start this new adventure and to be able to share it with the ones I love. I feel so fortunate to have so much support and love being sent my way through all of you. Don't hesitate to drop me a line whenever you get a chance. I am looking forward to hearing from all of you probably more than you all want to hear from me.

I love you all so much and am going to miss you. BOATLOADS.
Happy reading. :D