Saturday, August 27, 2011

Daxing loo he Dayoo loo

Friday, I subbed a class. It was at the school I take the bus to. This time, there were no major incidents on the bus - no shouting, no getting lost. It made me feel like I'm really living here! After class, Cristelle and I decided to go for a run, have to get this training underway or else race day is going to come and I will die. Haha. So we went to a "track". It is sort of a path that encloses a park-ish area. It has basketball courts, a play area, a roller rink and some other stuff in the middle. While we were running there was a pretty awesome lightning show going on. It made running around in circles much more enjoyable. But then it started to rain, as it often does here. We did some sprints after and then headed home after it started raining harder.

Today, I had three classes to sub. My day started at 9:30 and didn't end until 7:30. That might not seem like a lot to some of you but for here, it is a long day. Usually it's only about four hours. But the classes were pretty good. They were higher level than I usually teach but sometimes that is fun. You can play harder games and challenge the kids more. I was laughing because one of the teachers, Ivy, described the relationships between the boy and girl students perfectly. She said, "this is a thing in Taiwan - you ask them to talk, it's like asking them to kiss each other." Haha. Only the older kids. But I guess that is sort of normal for home too.

After class I took a cab to the BBQ place. I felt accomplished again because I told the driver where I wanted to go in Chinese. Woo! It wasn't very hard, but it is the title of the blog. Baby steps!!

Tonight, I think I am just going to hang out. I'm tired and we are playing some Ultimate Frisbee tomorrow so I have to rest up. Haha.

*Sorry, no pictures. But life is normalizing. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bonnie,
    I finally read your blog and I am so glad things are going well. It sounds like you have made some wonderful friends. I can't believe you ate a bumble bee! What the heck?! You should have tried the rat.

    The picture of the "toilet" cracked me up. Along with your toilet paper situation. Hilarious!!

    What a wonderful adventure you are having.
    Take care of yourself and be safe.

