Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Kindy Workshop


So Tuesday, I had another observation and another subbing class, this time at Cheng kung. It is over by the Taoyuan train station, so a much busier area than when I live. Phil drove me over there on his scooter this time and we talked about teaching and the hard parts and the fun parts. He is really nice too, just like everyone else!

After my classes, I had a little bit of time because Phil's class didn't end until after mine. I went and got a little drink from the place downstairs. It was delicious - had some mochi at the bottom. So good!

When I got home we went and got some Japanese food right by our house. It was Cristelle, Dannica, Megan, and Alex. The food was good but I wasn't too hungry because of the drink I got.

Wednesday, I woke up really late - finally! Because I've been waking up early (for me) every morning, it was really nice to wake up late. We had our 'Kindy Workshop' in the early afternoon with Brandon, a teacher who has been here a very long time. It was really good. He went through all the things we will be teaching the small kids and games that work well and all that. It was really good and helpful.

After the workshop Dannica and I walked over to the post office so I could send some letters. We got Coco - that delicious slush place Josh took me. There is one on the way to the post office and it was blazing hot, so there was really no way to pass it up . It is a little funny walking around here because it really does seem like I'm walking through China Town in any big city. It looks exactly as you would imagine with all the big signs in all Chinese. And the little food stands everywhere. Dannica and I tried to get some dumplings yesterday at one of the carts but somehow ended up with bread. Haha. It was like a little sweet roll, not what we expected.

After dinner at home Alex, Dannica and I watched an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm in the living room. It was super hot in there because they don't air condition it - just the rooms. But the fans were going so it was at least bearable. For an episode. Haha.

Today I have another observation and sub class. Cristelle and I might go on a hike before if there is time.

Love you all!

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