Thursday, August 11, 2011


So I ended up not going outside and reading my book. Instead I went to the 'gym' with Cristelle. I say 'gym' because there are a handful of treadmills but about twenty different pools. It is more like a water park, with slides and all, than a gym. But most people are there swimming laps and playing in the pools. I decided to swim laps, and did so four 45 minutes. And thought I was going to die. I am truly surprised that no one jumped in the pool and tried to save me - it can't have been pretty. But I did it!

We rode Cristelle's scooter to the gym. This city really is ruled by scooters. That is the best way to get around it seems. At every red light there are any number of scooters and when the light turns, it is like a race, all of them zooming off and weaving all over. It is hilarious. Cristelle is a great driver, but not all of them are. And the best part is, we stopped for gas and to fill up an empty tank it was just under three dollars. Whaaaat? Crazy, huh? The ride home from the gym was much less relaxing because my arms were like jelly and holding on became increasingly more difficult.

After the gym I came back and had my orientation. I sat down with Amanda, the director, and another new teacher. We went over all the rules and regulations and EVERYTHING. Then she handed me my schedule and I had two observations for right after.

My first class was eight and nine year olds. They are so cute. The second class was a 'kindy' class, or kindergarten. Even cuter, if possible. There are lots of games played, songs sang, rock-paper-scissors played, and shouting. It seems like it's going to be a lot of fun. The other teachers were really nice and answered all my questions. And you should see how crazy the kids to go for these stickers. Apparently the kids can use them to 'buy' things like pens and other stuff. You'd think they were actually money they way the pine over these things. It's pretty funny!

Now, since I am FAMISHED, I'm anxiously awaiting the others to head out for dinner. Classes don't end until 20:45 so dinner gets really pushed back. But I missed it last night because I fell asleep so early, so I'm trying my best to stay awake. I think I'll make it!

Zia jian (goodbye)
Lots of love.

1 comment:

  1. No pictures? Please provide action shots of Bonnie the English teacher!
