Thursday, August 11, 2011

Medical Check-up

Last night I went with Cristelle, Dannica, and Kristen (new face) to get dinner and ice cream. We ended up getting ice cream first because we didn't know what we wanted for dinner. Oh, and it's so STINKING HOT. After ice cream, we dropped Kristen off and the three of us headed over to a Japanese place. It was teppan style eating. They cooked it in front of us. I got mushrooms with onions, veggies, and rice. It was delicious - very garlic-y. My friend got a beer and it was called "Taiwan Beer". Haha. We were laughing about that. What if there was a USA beer.

Anyway, after dinner we headed home and ran into two other girls from Gloria so we chatted with them for a minute and then came home. I fell asleep very shortly after my head hit the pillow. And might I add, it was a much more comfortable sleep. I didn't wake up once. But I did wake up pretty early again.

For breakfast today I had Dan Bing again. I also got milk tea and discovered the glory of that drink. It is haochi (DELICIOUS)! After breakfast I loafed around, walked down to Carrefour to get some money out of the ATM for the medical check-up, bought another milk tea at the 7-11, and then went to the check up.

The hospital is really interesting, you would have no idea that's what it is from the street. And the inside is really different from ours, at least the part we were in. We went upstairs, checked in, and then each of us was herded through the stations. The entire thing took about seven minutes and included an eye exam, weight and height, temperature, blood drawn, chest x-ray, doctor "exam" (just listened to my lungs and check my neck), and blood pressure. I couldn't believe how quick it was. That would have taken hours at home!

Also, I got my first earned cash today! I forgot to pick it up yesterday after observing. They pay you carfare for each day you observe. I'm lucky because all I have to do is take the elevator downstairs. Haha. Pretty easy money.

Tonight I have two more observations. Both in my dorm school again! Lucky duck! Today I am supposed to get my schedule for tomorrow (Saturday) and Monday. I'll keep you posted!

Lots o' Love!
Pictures are all my books and materials and the first 100NT I earned!

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