Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I Have Arrived!

Hello dear friends and family!
As the title suggests, I have indeed arrived at my new home in Taiwan. But let me back track...
My parents dropped me off at LAX Monday night at about 1030 and through some tears and laughter we said our goodbyes. I have the greatest parents. After getting stuck behind someone my dad likes to say "doesn't travel much" I made it down to my gate but it was packed. I had to sit on the floor and it was so hot because of all the people.

The flight passed without much of anything to note. It was long but I slept a good chunk of it so it was not too bad.

Upon arriving to Taiwan, we were informed that the local time was 5:11 am and that the outside temperature was 82 degrees. Ummm.... Whaaaat? That was my reaction. Naturally, I immediately started sweating because of the humidity. My luggage took forever to come through the baggage claim and I was certain that my bags were lost. I was also certain that I was at the wrong airport. Haha. Neither of which (thankfully) were true.

Steve met me in the airport and said that he too was worried he was at the wrong airport because it took me a long time to come out. And then he launched into his Taiwan spiel. The sun was coming up and it looked like it has just rained. It was a very good welcome to Taiwan. We pulled up to my dorm building. It is located on top of one of the school campuses which could turn out to be very convenient. He showed me to my room (on the fifth floor -- but much less of a hassle than my Prague room if you remember, because of an elevator) and around the facilities.

I have my own, small room. Emphasis on small. It has a desk, a bed, and a metal shelving unit as you can see in the pictures. And my bed is literally a wooden box, literally. So I'll have to see what can be done about that. I do have an AC unit though, so that is a definite plus!

Now I am just relaxing, having unpacked. My day has no specific schedule as Steve kept telling me. Tomorrow though, I have orientation with Amanda (the director) Tomorrow (THURSDAY) at 1530 at the school below me. And then on Friday, I have a physical check up. Haha. Apparently they have to make sure I am physically fit enough to teach English to the children.

That's about it for now. Later today I'm going to try and get to a store to buy sheets and other things, but nothing too exciting. Or maybe it will be, I have no idea!

In short, I have arrived safely and in high spirits. I miss you all a ton already. Much love from Asia!

1 comment:

  1. You were not joking!!! There's no place like home!!! lol I think you have made the best of i though. Glad we got a chance to chat this morning and know you made it safe and sound. Our house seems too quiet! I'm going to start looking to book our airfare.
