Hello all! Sorry about the break but our internet went out so I couldn't connect. But, no fear. Here I am with lots to tell.
So, I left off with Saturday night. We ended up going to a restaurant (local Gloria hangout) called Vigorous Seafood. Kind of a funny name, but the food is delicious. We met up with a boatload of people there - probably about twenty of us. So it was nice to meet a lot of the other teachers who don't live at the dorm anymore. They were all really helpful and friendly, answering any and all of my questions.
After dinner, a smaller group of us went to a bar called Mimi House. It is a small little place, but they have good music and lots of places to sit. We talked for a while and then played some games. Then all of a sudden it was almost three o'clock. Where did that time go? I guess it goes a lot faster when you don't eat dinner until about 10.
Some people went to another bar but I went home with Cristelle and Dannica because we wanted to be able to do something on Sunday. That 'something' turned out to be going to Fulong beach.
Even though Taiwan is a relatively small island, it took us about an hour and a half to get to the beach. Apparently there are closer ones, but none as good. So we met a group of people at the bus stop, hopped on a bus to Taipei and then switched to a train that would take us out there. The train ride was really
Anyway, the beach was wonderful. The water was perfect temperature and so shallow. We walked out about 100 feet and we were no deeper than about hip depth. Pretty crazy. There were lots of surfers and paddle boarders. So we hung out there for a long time, and watched the sunset. I got to talk to some of the girls who have been here a while (Kristen, Carly and Sara). They are all really nice.
After dinner, we had to run through the main station, literally, to make it to the last bus back to Taoyuan. It was a close call but we made it and then all konked out on the bus. After we finally made it back to our house it was about 1230. Such a long day! But a really good one!
Today, I woke up and the internet was still out. What the heck? So Cristelle and I walked to Starbucks for the wifi. You have
er 5th. Training starts any second now. Haha. But it should be a really awesome race. Taroko Gorge is a national park which, from all the pictures I've seen, is amazing. I can't wait. And it will be nice to run with someone. Also, it will be a little weekend trip, so I'm actually looking forward to it - for now at least.
After Starbucks I bought a phone and for some really bizarre reason, I got free toilet paper. So weird. But I guess that is good because you have to bring toilet paper with you everywhere in case there is not. Not like it ran out but like it was never there. Don't ask my why but for some reason they don't provide it a lot of times. Carly and Kristen told us to always carry tissue/toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Haha. Words to live by I guess.
I had another observation today, but this time at Dar Nan. I got a ride with Josh on his scooter. We got there a little early so he took me to a place that has really good slushies (sort of slushies, more like 'snow' if you know what that is). It was delicious. Then he took me around the school and went over my lesson plan for the class I was subbing. Really nice! That class went well. I was nervous at first, probably bright red. Haha. But once you get into the rhythm of the class it gets a lot easier and more comfortable. It was fun. The kids are eight and nine and so cute! I will be subbing that class for two more weeks too, so that is kind of fun. I'll get to know the kids a little bit.
After class, Josh met me to take me home but we stopped in the night market for food. That is one crazy place. It is only open at night (hence the name) and it has literally everything: clothes, food, shoes, chicken feet, stinky tofu, life fish, games, music, fruit. Literally everything. And usually at a discounted rate. So Josh took me around the whole thing while we waited for our food. He is taking me to another school on Thursday I guess. He is super nice, and really helpful. He has been here for almost year and a half so he knows a lot. Haha. I'll have to remember that for when someone else is new too.
Anyway, now I am in my room eating my delicious food (not anything freaky). Tomorrow I have the same thing, another observation and then another sub class but at yet another school. Should be pretty good!
Love and miss you all!!
This blog keeps eating my comments. I'm about to give up!