Friday, August 12, 2011

What is your favorite holiday?

Each class has a Q&A that gets repeated throughout the class. The kids have to ask the question and also answer it. If I can't find a good title, I'm going to use the questions, as I did for this one.

My observations last night were good ones. I did another 'kindy' class and a 'beginners' class. Beginners are just starting but older than 'kindy'. The first class I was in was hilarious. The second I sat down, a little boy named Timmy turned around and looked at me, pretended to shoot me, blew the smoke off his 'gun' and then smiled. I was dying laughing in the back. So stinking cute. The second class was crazy! Running all over and so much energy! They are on their summer break from regular school still so they have energy galore that they save up all day!

Last night was uneventful. I just went to bed.

This morning I had an observation in a WOW level class. They are much older and very good at English. I think they are the highest but there might be one level higher. But instead of going over the same questions multiple times and repeating everything, they are learning parts of speech and changing tenses. The teacher in that class, Josh, is really nice! He is from Hawaii. He had them start with an ad lib. It was a love letter. It was pretty funny. The students could use any names in the class so one of the 'letters' ended up being from Josh to me. The kids thought it was hilarious. It was pretty funny! And he also gave me some sticky balls. They are balls that stick to the whiteboard and most teachers use them all the time for games! It was really nice of him to give me some. I'll have to remember that for when someone new observes me!

Not sure what I'm doing the rest of the day until 6:30 when I have another observation. It's at my school again so that's easy. I got my schedule for Monday and Tuesday as well. I have one observation on Monday and I also have my first substitution as well! It is at a different school (Dar Nan) so, Josh (different one, but one I have met) is taking me over there. And I'm doing that for the next three Mondays. Then on Tuesday I am observing at Chen Kung and subbing in another class too! Phil from last night is taking me over there. Each time you go to a new school someone takes you. But after that you have to know how to get there. I'm going to be paying VERY close attention! Don't want to get lost!

Hopefully there will be something fun to do tonight! And I think there are some talks about going to Taipei tomorrow, so hopefully that pans out. I've heard it's pretty cool so I want to check it out!


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